
Monday, November 28, 2011

Date #2: Mr. Mouth Water

So this is a result of an old flame that was never lit.
We met years ago, but it wasn't a good time for either of us. But due to a "Happy Birthday" call, the door was opened, questions ask and a date set up.
Everything was cool till 2 days before the date. He asked me to pick the day (saturday), the activity (movies) and even which movie to see. But when I asked him to pick the time, he couldn't do that.
Am I being too hard because I expect a man to be able to make simple decisions?
I went and did not cancel like my heart wanted to. I know you think this might be quick of me. But after several txt msgs of indecisiveness, I was weary and ready to bail. But I didn't.

His kudos:
He showed up 40mins early because didn't want me waiting on him.
He refused to let me walk on the outside.
He opened every door and insisted that I walk in front of him or at his side.

Fact: Movies are the WORST type of date if you want to get to know a person better and talk.
Guess what? We saw a double feature!!!
Areas of improvement: I think there might be a saliva issue. I won't say that he has bad breath because I didn't smell that at all. But, I popped a nugget in his mouth and some of his mouth water (in my jamaican voice) got on my finger and it just wasn't right. I might not be able to kiss him.
However, there could be many reasons for this (although if memory serves me, he kissed me on the cheek years ago and I kept wiping my face after).
After he began talking about what's been gong on with him, I felt emotionally drained. And he kept referring to himself as old when he's only 3yrs older than me. But he calls me "young lady" sooo he may get a pass lol.

Result: One more date! Too many kudos to not give it another try!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Date #1 (or not) Mr. Plan B

Let me start off by saying that most of you wouldn't even consider this a date. BUT, I'm counting it as my 10 so there! :P~~~~~~

Now, a co-worker (Plan B), that has loosely expressed interest (and also borderline stalker tendencies), attended one of my fitness explosions.  We hung out afterwards (while walking to our cars) and shared a meal (aka snacks during the class) and even got physical (extended hugs after the class). So there!
That is date numero UNO!!!!

Result-Truth is, work relationships require a level of maturity that I'm not sure is present in this situation. It doesn't help matters that I am instantly turned off when I hear "I'm soo lonely and tired of being alone. Btw, you look very pretty tonight." Yeah umm ok buddy. This leads to Desperate Relationships. You know the one where you are just so happy to no longer be alone that you ignore all the signs that you are not a good match. Then a year later when one person has true feelings, the other realizes that this was a mistake and this never ends well!!!
So Friends it is. Next.....

Journey to 10 dates by New Years

I was driving into work one day and listening to the radio and low and behold I hear Paul Brunson aka Modern Day MatchMaker, handing single women a challenge..... 10 date by New Years.
I immediately tweeted him "do you know how hard it is to find ONE quality date these days much less 10????
He responded by sending me to the article he published that morning on of 14 dating mistakes that women make. An interview which was insightful as I read it with one of my favorite married sisters.
Anyhoooo, long story short, she convinced me that I could do it if I had an open mind.
Me? Ms. Ehh I'll just stay home tonight and "clean my room/house/hair/anything to stay in" LOL

Ok, needless to say I accepted.  But how to go about this???

First, re-join an online dating site. Been there done that and truly don't want to do it again. But what choice do I have. With this, I solicited the help of another sista girl.  She is still putting together the profile and I have to say I am nervous. But she is determined to get me my 10 all by herself. But me being me, I signed up to a famous dating site, again, to see if things would be better this time around.  I wasn't even done with setting up the profile and I was already bombarded with guys wanting to see a photo. I posted one, but still haven't paid for the service (ol'cheapskate resufaced lol).

Second, attack my married friends AGAIN and convince them to help me.  Now this was much easier than I thought. One has decided that she also will help with the 10 all by herself, lol.
Did I mention that I have crazy and competitive sista girls, LOL.

Third, revisit some past potential suitors and see if there is chemistry now. Most of which are on my fb page and recently contacted me for my bday and gobble fest.

Fourth, keep an open mind! I'm not trying to find Mr. I have been waiting for you all my life. Instead I'm open to dinner, nice convo and that's it! If we click, we click. If we don't, we will be closer friends or part ways completely.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Is he/she worth the friendship?

The other day I heard an associate  say "I hate when people change over a relationship".  She was referring to her friend and her new found love interest.  But don't we all do that?
Scenario: You're out and about and meet a wonderful person that peaks your interest. While getting to know them, you invaribly spend all of the time you have with them. So instead of spending every friday and saturday evenings with your girls, you start splitting the time.
Now if you're lucky, your love and friends would get along.  But what if they don't?  What do you do then?

Do you end the relationship or the friendship?  The truth is, one of these relationships will drastically change.  Some times that change is termination.

Most choose to pursue the relationship and hold onto "if they are truly my friend, they'll understand."  Let's face it, a good relationship is hard to find.  The older you are, the worst it becomes. But you still have to ask yourself, is it worth the friendship?  .

My Personal Challenge.....

I am officially challenging myself.  I will write (and post) 30 posts in 40 days!I bet you sre wondering why I'm doing this. Or maybe you are like"why would we care?"  Well I ask, why not? Whether you are my personal friend or just a person who happened upon these words, I am making a promise to give you some thing to read.  A reason to come back for more. You might fall in love with my style of typing and especially my typos. Or maybe you are wondering, "could one persons life be filled with that much unavoidable drama?"The answer is YES!!!!! So stay tuned and prep those eyes for insane readings! 40 days 30 posts lol

When it rains, it POURS!

I know I have not written in a while.  Things have been a bit crazy for me.  For those who don't know, I was in an accident in October.  I was rear and front ended and now I'm going to physical therapy 3 times a week.  Then 3 weeks to the date, on the ever soo highly anticipated 11/11/11 at 11am, I was struck again. Needless to say I no longer want to leave the house! lol
And there are soooooo many other things to complain about but not enough time, nor energy, nor desired to re-live every torid detail of the past weeks. I just knew it was time to finally put something together since I haven't written in a while. I think pretty soon, we are going public!!!!!